More than 21,800 volunteers More than 2,077,400 donors Helps more than 6,300 families monthly Provided more than 200,000 study grants for needy students 2 UNHCR Tzu-Chi Education Centres Provided 3,465 education enrolments for refugee children Rendered 190,000 medical treatments to refugees 11 Da Ai kindergartens across Malaysia 1,097 community recycling centres/points throughout Malaysia Taiwanese Couple Promoted Tzu Chi’s Missions from Scratch Tzu Chi was brought in to Malaysia by Ye Ci Jing in 1989 when she was assigned by her company to Penang. She worked hard to advocate Tzu Chi locally; and visited Dharma Masters in various Buddhist temples to spread Tzu Chi’s spirit. Inspired by her, many locals joined as volunteers. In 1992, David Liu and Echo Chien, a Taiwanese couple who set up a factory in Melaka, were encouraged by Venerable Master Bo Yuan to promote Tzu Chi’s missions in Malaysia. They later led volunteers from the Central, Southern and East Malaysia to participate in Tzu Chi’s charitable work to “help the needy and educate the rich”. In 1993, both Tzu Chi Penang and Tzu Chi Melaka Liaison Offices were set up. As the activities for the charity mission started to grow, David Liu built the Melaka Tzu-Chi Jing Si Hall on his factory premises and donated it toTzu Chi. It was officially opened on May 21, 1997, thereafter in 2001, he decided to donate the whole premises to Tzu Chi. There are now 113 Tzu Chi offices and contact points across the 13 states of Malaysia. $