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Tzu Chi Study Grant

  • "For many years, I had been the one going up on stage to receive awards. Today, I am the emcee calling the award recipients onto the stage. It feels so wonderful and magical." – Andrina

  • After Komalaa a/p Sellathamby was accepted into the university, her father, Sellathamby a/l Manickam, had a profound revelation that a parent’s attitude is a key determinant to his child’s future. He is grateful for the assistance from Tzu Chi volunteers when he was at a loss. Their help and support have allowed his humble family to flourish.
  • It may take time to overcome hardship. However, with support and company from others, it may feel less overwhelming and more hopeful that a better future awaits.
  • On October 19, 2019, Tzu Chi Kota Tinggi volunteers organized a Tzu Chi Study & Awards Scheme presentation ceremony, where they also distributed Deepavali gift packs to the student beneficiaries, who come from Tamil schools.

  • In her small living quarters, items are neatly kept in used boxes and containers, while recyclables are cleansed and properly sorted out. This good habit of the children, who are beneficiaries of Tzu Chi Study & Awards Scheme, is attributed to the volunteers’ guidance and companionship, as well as the mother’s supervision.

  • A young sapling, if given enough nutrients and cared for properly, will grow up to be a tall, strong tree, providing shade for all.